Pittington Primary School | Hallgarth Lane, Durham, County Durham DH6 1AF

0191 3720314

Pittington Primary School

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Swimming Data

Swimming data – end of KS2 2023/2024
90.47% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel 25m in a recognised stroke
80.95% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel in a number of recognisable strokes
90.47% of the Year 6 cohort completed the water safety elements of the curriculum
Swimming data – end of KS2 2022/2023
100% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel 25m in a recognised stroke
100% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel in a number of recognisable strokes
100% of the Year 6 cohort completed the water safety elements of the curriculum
Swimming data end of KS2 2021 -2022
96% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel 25m in a recognised stroke
92% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel in a number of recognised strokes
96% of the Year 6 cohort were able to complete the water safety elements of the curriculum

Swimming data – end of KS2 2020/2021

100% of the year 6 cohort were able to travel 25m in a recognised stroke

83% of the cohort were able to travel in a number of recognisable strokes

89% of the cohort were able to complete the water safety elements of the curriculum

Swimming data – end of KS2 2019/2020
95.6% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel 25m in a recognised stroke
95 .6% of the Year 6 cohort were able to travel in a number of recognisable strokes
95.6% of the Year 6 cohort completed the water safety elements of the curriculum.

Swimming Data - End of KS2 2018/2019

100% of the year 6 cohort were assessed to have met the National Curriculum expectations. 

  • Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres. 
  • Use a range of strokes effectively 
  • Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations