Pittington Primary School | Hallgarth Lane, Durham, County Durham DH6 1AF

0191 3720314

Pittington Primary School

Welcome to our school

SEN Transition

Transition into Reception

Transition from Nursery to Reception Class is a big step for both our children and their parents.  We aim to support our families through this important stage in a number of ways.  We have children from a variety of different nurseries and our Reception staff ensure that children have opportunities to visit their Reception class so that they can become familiar with the provision, environment and EYFS staff members.  All parents are invited to visit school for a group induction meeting as well as a one to one personal meeting to discuss their child’s transition in more detail.  Reception staff also make links with nursery settings and request that they complete an in-depth questionnaire about each pupil transitioning to our school, this is to ensure we have the relevant background history as well as up to date assessment information. Nursery settings are welcomed into our school should they wish to support a child’s transition into our setting.    

Enhanced transition is always available and is tailored to the needs of individual children.


How we support children/young people with SEN moving between classes in our school

Teachers have designated time to pass over information to the next teacher, where they will also discuss relevant strategies and talk about specific provisions. Pupil’s individual SEND files are used to highlight the child’s strengths, difficulties as well as any professional agency input received to date.

Some pupils in school benefit from an enhanced transition between year groups which involves relationship building with their next class teacher and becoming familiar with their next classroom.  Pupils are always at the heart of decision making during transitions to future year groups and wherever possible we will rearrange the school and allocate specific classrooms to meet the needs of our pupils with additional needs. 

Enhanced transition is always available and is tailored to the needs of individual children.


How we support children/young people with SEN leaving our school

We work very closely with secondary schools.  We arrange transition meetings and extra visits for children with SEND and ensure an enhanced transition is available to those pupils who need it.  The Head Teacher is actively involved in all pupil transitions to secondary schools.  We initiate early transition processes when pupils are in Year 4 to allow them to benefit from early visits to secondary schools prior to parents completing school transition forms (which are usually due in early October for Durham schools).  Secondary schools are invited into Pittington Primary School for all final Support Plan Reviews and EHCP Reviews.  For EHCP Annual Reviews we also offer invites to secondary schools from Year 5 onwards to begin an early enhanced transition should parents wish to do so. 

Once parents have decided upon their secondary school of choice, although places have not been allocated, we start actively planning for the transition of our SEN pupils.  These visits can include the Head Teacher taking pupils to the school during the school day (with and without parents).  This allows our pupils to begin to understand new routines, visualise layouts and meet significant members of staff.  For example, a visit can highlight a break time routine, a mid-morning snack time, a school lunch and allow the pupil to join in a lesson. 


Joining our school at other times

If your child joins our school during a Key Stage or mid-way through the academic year, systems are in place to aid their transition from their previous school. When you visit our school, the Head Teacher will give you a tour and your child will have opportunities to see their new classroom and meet their teacher. If your child has additional needs, the Head Teacher and/or SENCO will liaise with your child’s previous school to ensure that we have the required information to enable us to support your child fully. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s needs with us and share any information you have when you visit.


Leaving our school at other times

If your child leaves our school, the Head Teacher and SENCO will ensure that all SEND information is passed onto the next school to ensure that they are fully aware of any additional needs your child may have to enable the new setting to prepare.