Pittington Primary School | Hallgarth Lane, Durham, County Durham DH6 1AF

0191 3720314

Pittington Primary School

Welcome to our school

Support for Emotional & Social Development

Pittington Primary School is an inclusive school.  We believe that a positive supporting and caring ethos coupled with a strong personal education provides the opportunity for pupils to develop high self-esteem.  It is paramount that we support and promote the emotional wellbeing of all children.  We consult with a wide range of agencies and partnerships to ensure the Emotional and Social Development needs of SEN children are met.

Pittington Primary School has and maintains close links with External Partnerships in order to access the best professional advice.  In addition, we also link with Local Authority and additional services, such as Occupational Therapy, CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service), School Nursing Service, Social Services, School Councillor, EWEL Team and Medical Professionals.  We hold meetings in school so that parents and pupils are comfortable and confident in their supporting environment.     

At school we have a very positive approach to all types of behaviour with a clear reward system that is followed by staff and pupils.  Rewards at Pittington Primary include:


-Head Teachers Award

-Deputy Head Teachers Award

-Team Points


-Notes and photographs home via Tapestry

-Lunchtime Award (awarded for whole class achievement)     

-Attendance and Punctuality Awards

-Silver Broomstick Award

The rewards above run alongside the bespoke reward systems in place for those children with SEN.

At Pittington Primary School we never underestimate the reward of a smile from adult to a child.  A smile and kind words are powerful motivators and acknowledgers of good behavior and positive attitudes.